
Drug menace in Odisha – an issue that’s progressing to an internal security nightmare

JP Nabajiban
Written by JP Nabajiban

The growing drug problem in Odisha has gradually created a number of security issues along with the decaying social fabric.

Odisha, situated on the eastern coastline of India, is renowned for its extensive cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and dynamic communities. Nonetheless, in recent times, the state has experienced a troubling escalation in drug abuse and trafficking, which has emerged as a significant socio-economic concern. The escalating threat of narcotics in Odisha, intensified by the state’s strategic geographical positioning and socio-economic circumstances, has led to an increase in addiction, criminal activity, and public health dilemmas.

Scope and Nature of the Drugs Menace in Odisha

Odisha has progressively become a pivotal nexus for drug trafficking owing to its geographical placement between the narcotic-producing regions of northern India and the ports along the eastern seaboard. The state’s closeness to the international frontier, particularly through adjacent Bangladesh and Myanmar, renders it susceptible to the illicit smuggling of a variety of controlled substances.

According to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and state authorities, the confiscated narcotics in Odisha have encompassed a spectrum from opioids such as heroin to synthetic substances including methamphetamines and cannabis.

The Odisha Police and the State Excise Department have executed numerous substantial drug confiscations in recent years, indicative of the escalating magnitude of the issue. In the year 2022 alone, law enforcement agencies in Odisha apprehended over 700 kilograms of ganja (marijuana), exceeding 100 kg of opium, as well as assorted amounts of heroin and synthetic drugs.

The confiscation of substances such as brown sugar (a derivative of heroin), methamphetamines, and illicit pharmaceutical agents like tramadol signifies an increasing diversification within the drug market in the state.

The trafficking of ganja, which continues to be one of the most prevalently utilized and confiscated drugs in Odisha, has emerged as a particular area of concern.

Cannabis is cultivated in certain regions of the state, notably within the districts of Kandhamal, Ganjam, and Rayagada, which are predominantly inhabited by tribal populations. These regions have been characterized as epicenters for the production and trafficking of illicit ganja, which is clandestinely transported to various locations across the nation and internationally.

The routes utilized for drug trafficking are significantly influenced by the influx of undocumented Bangladeshi immigrants, who have been recognized as a substantial contributor to this issue. Within the jurisdiction of Kendrapada, the primary transportation routes identified include Jambu, Talachua, Tantiapala, Rajnagar, and Mahakalapara. Additionally, the islands of Babubali, Agarnasi, Sholamuhan, Madali, and Lunchghola, located within the restricted zones of the Gahirmatha marine sanctuary, are also employed to conduct illicit activities by these immigrants.

Causes of the Drug Problem in Odisha

The factors contributing to the escalating drug problem in Odisha are intricate and multifaceted. A principal determinant is the strategic geographical positioning of the state. The extensive coastline of Odisha, particularly its ports such as Paradip, serves as a gateway for drug trafficking operations. Criminal syndicates exploit both maritime routes and terrestrial corridors to infiltrate the state with narcotics, which are subsequently redistributed to various regions within India and beyond.

Another critical element influencing this issue is the socio-economic landscape across diverse areas of Odisha. Notwithstanding its abundant natural resources and potential for economic advancement, the state grapples with significant challenges, including pervasive poverty, high unemployment rates, and insufficient infrastructural development.

The failure of the preceding BJD government, which has governed Odisha for 24 years, to effectively address the drug crisis and implement stringent measures against drug cartels represents a substantial deficiency that can be attributed to political expediency and the dynamics of vote bank politics.

Such socio-economic conditions engender an environment conducive to the proliferation of drug addiction, particularly among the youth demographic. In rural and tribal regions where educational and employment opportunities are severely limited, young individuals frequently turn to substance use as a means of escapism from their harsh circumstances.

The exploitation of marginalized groups, especially tribal youth, constitutes another pivotal factor exacerbating the drug crisis. Drug cartels and traffickers take advantage of the lack of awareness and insufficient access to rehabilitation services in these communities to infiltrate local markets with narcotics.

The prevalence of illegal poppy and ganja cultivation in certain areas of the state is closely associated with economic hardship and the absence of viable alternative occupations. The ready availability of inexpensive narcotics has precipitated a surge in drug addiction in these locales.


Impact of Drug Abuse on Society

The escalation of drug abuse in Odisha has profound implications for public health, law enforcement, and the economy. Drug addiction poses a considerable public health challenge, contributing to the proliferation of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases. The intravenous administration of heroin, for instance, has been a significant factor in the rise of bloodborne disease transmission. Furthermore, substance addiction frequently culminates in mental health disorders, thereby complicating the processes of treatment and rehabilitation.

The illicit drug trade significantly contributes to the proliferation of organized crime and violence within the state. The activities associated with drug trafficking and distribution frequently incite territorial conflicts among competing gangs, thereby intensifying the challenges related to law enforcement and public safety. Numerous instances of violent crime and property offenses are directly correlated with the financial demands associated with sustaining addiction. This phenomenon exerts a profound influence on local communities, particularly in urban centers such as Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, and Rourkela, where there has been a conspicuous escalation in crimes associated with drugs.

The economic ramifications of substance abuse in Odisha are profoundly detrimental. The financial burdens associated with healthcare for addiction treatment, diminished productivity, and the strain on law enforcement and the criminal justice system are considerable. Moreover, the illicit drug trade undermines the state’s initiatives aimed at fostering socio-economic development and

significantly obstructs the potential of numerous individuals who become ensnared by addiction.

Combating the Drug Menace

In order to effectively combat the drug menace in Odisha, a comprehensive and multifaceted strategy is imperative. Following the electoral success of the BJP in Odisha, the newly appointed Chief Minister, Mohan Charan Majhi, has pledged a zero-tolerance policy towards organized crime, which presents a renewed hope for addressing this issue. However, to realize this objective, it is essential that law enforcement agencies enhance their vigilance and intelligence-gathering capabilities to mitigate drug trafficking. Fortifying border security, fostering greater collaboration between state and central agencies, and augmenting surveillance mechanisms at ports and highways will be instrumental in diminishing the influx of narcotics into the state.

In addition, the state must allocate resources towards awareness initiatives that aim to inform the public, particularly the youth, regarding the perils associated with drug abuse. Educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and community centers, can play a critical role in disseminating pertinent information and providing counseling services aimed at preventing the initiation of addiction.

Furthermore, Odisha must enhance its rehabilitation infrastructure. Despite the existence of several de-addiction centers within the state, their capacity remains inadequate to address the escalating demand for treatment services. Rehabilitation initiatives that emphasize comprehensive recovery, encompassing psychological support, vocational training, and community reintegration, are essential for ensuring sustainable success in the battle against substance abuse.

Ultimately, addressing the economic drivers that contribute to drug abuse is of paramount importance.

By offering alternative livelihoods for farmers engaged in illicit ganja cultivation and generating employment opportunities for at-risk youth, the allure of the drug trade can be diminished. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices and supporting local industries could facilitate the creation of a more stable socio-economic environment.

Editor's note: The views and opinions in the article are those of the author and they do not represent The Strategic Perspective or any institution, organisation or entity, which might be affiliated with the author.

About the author

JP Nabajiban

JP Nabajiban

JP Nabajiban is an analyst at ICRR, he often writes on Make in
India as well as on International Defence Platforms.

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