About Us
The Strategic Perspective is an independent platform for information, opinions and analysis on global problems pertaining to defense and security, counter terrorism, geopolitics, international relations, cybersecurity, intelligence, defense budgeting and other related topics. It features reviews by experts, diplomats, ex-armed forces personnel, journalists and domain analysts from a specific region or a topic to provide in-depth knowledge about problems, which serve policymakers, scholars, thought leaders, business leaders, journalists, academicians and students across the world who have keen interest in the abovementioned topics.
Write for us
We welcome articles / analysis / commentaries about defense and security, counter terrorism, geopolitics, international relations, cybersecurity, intelligence, defense budgeting and other related topics.
These pieces should be between 800 and 1,500 words, should be well researched with a cogently argued point of view and the analysis should be based on publicly available information. We are not supported by government and follow an independent editorial policy, where we strive to provide an unbiased, balanced and objective platform for debate.
Our editors reserve the right to accept or reject any contribution without assigning any reason.
1. The website welcomes opinions/commentaries ranging between 800-1,500words. Longer pieces will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
2. Your article must have an indicative headline of 6-8 words but bear in mind that it can be changed subject to editorial approval.
3. A line gap/indentation between paragraphs, proper punctuation, etc would make the review easier.
4. Acronyms can be used but only after these have been expanded initially.
5. First-person expressions should be avoided (“us”, “we”) unless those are part of quotes showing personal experiences.
6. Remember that analysis are meant for the broader public. As such, technical jargon should be explained.
7. Any data / figures / charts / etc should be referenced with hyperlinks to support open domain data access.
8. A signature line about the author must follow the article. Preferred format: The writer is Designation. He/She can be contacted at editortspcontact@gmail.com.
9. A thumbnail photograph to be displayed along with the signature line at the end of your article. We do not publish anonymous writers. We can also tag you on your preferred social media once your article is published.
10. All submissions should be sent electronically, as attached word documents, editortspcontact@gmail.com
11. The subject line should be 'Article for The Strategic Perspective
12. Our editors reserve the right to take the final decision on the use of the article, any alterations/changes required, and its publication.
13. The copyright of the article are for The Strategic Perspective.
14. If the contribution is selected for publication, the contributors will be sent the link to their article which they are free to share on any medium so long as appropriate credits are given to The Strategic Perspective.
15. The Strategic Perspective grants permission to contributors to access and make use of the TSP platform only for non-commercial personal purposes.
Please mail articles to: editortspcontact@gmail.com