
Aboard the Gravy Train

Army personnel inaugurate a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the banks of Pangong Tso Lake, in Leh, Ladakh. | Photo Credit: PTI
Army personnel inaugurate a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the banks of Pangong Tso Lake, in Leh, Ladakh. | Photo Credit: PTI

The lengths to which spin doctoring is practiced in the India media is not funny. But lack of coordination in doing so makes it amusing, not that lack of coordination is not the hallmark of our politicians. One headline says Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to the swearing in of President Donald Trump on January 20, but he has “deputed” External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to represent him. Followers on social media call it the right decision; knowing well that if Modi was invited, he would go running. Another headline says the Trump Administration did not invite Modi but has invited Jaishankar. It is quite evident why there was no invite (https://www.thecitizen.in/opinion/foreign-policy-roulette-1100207). So, Jaishankar will tag along with the Indian Ambassador in for to the event, albeit it is not the same

But this is about the tectonic changes taking place in the Indian Armed Forces. With the hierarchy falling over each other to get aboard the gravy train. On the day China unveiled its new stealth fighter aircraft, a statue of Chatrapati Shivali was installed on the shores of Pangong Tso. Amid calls that it should have been a statue of Gen. Zorawar Singh, who had invaded Tibet, it was said that this was done by the Corps Commander since he is the Colonel of the Maratha Regiment. Would he install another Shivaji statue at the place of his next posting?

Army personnel inaugurate a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the banks of Pangong Tso Lake, in Leh, Ladakh. | Photo Credit: PTI
Army personnel inaugurate a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the banks of Pangong Tso Lake, in Leh, Ladakh. | Photo Credit: PTI

The fact is that the officer is smart enough to decipher which way the cookie crumbles. Imagine the publicity next time the prime minister or the defence minister visits the area and the garlanding ceremony he would arrange, replete with the red carpet and photo-op. Wouldn’t this catapult him straight into the creamy layer in this era of deep selection?

However, to be fair to the officer, there was plenty motivation also to make him do what he did, looking at the antics of the former Naval Chief, Admiral Hari Kumar. All Hari Kumar had to do was promote Chhatrapati Shivaji (not Cholas) having the largest navy when the ruling party was looking for Maratha votes. He not only introduced kurta pyjama in masses in the name of Indianization but installed a 35-feet statue of Chatrapati Shivaji on non-defence land using the Military Engineering Service and service funds, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated in December 2023 in a gala ceremony in full media glare.

But the statue toppled on August 26, 2024, shocking India, and the prime minister had to publicly apologize to the nation. Hari Kumar’s posting as the Indian High Commissioner to New Zealand was put on hold probably because of the statue’s fall, but he remains in the good books of the political hierarchy and will be rewarded for his “loyalty” in due course. Well, the statue at Pangong Tso is not even likely to topple over.

The removal of the iconic painting of the 1971 surrender of Pakistan army, denoting India’s strategic win in 1,000 years, from the Army Chief’s office was reported in these columns earlier (https://www.thestrategicperspective.org/articles/the-dhaka-surrender-painting-saga/). Weeks later, the Army Chief is trying to justify this act by saying the new painting was made a Lt Col of belonging to a “younger generation” (who was obviously ordered to do so), the painting represents three eras of India and what not (https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/indian-army-chief-justifies-removal-of-iconic-picture-of-pakistans-surrender-in-1971-war-7473177). Who asked this explanation anyway and isn’t this a lame excuse to show his missing spine is intact?   

Also, the Army Chief has said that the Army is looking at 12 times increase in induction of women in other ranks by 2032 and he is looking for women officers with “Kaali Mata Ka Roop” (incarnate Goddess Kaali) and adding that this means it has to be a “gender-neutral” approach. The question on social media is will he start washing the feet of whoever he sees in Kaali Mata Ka Avatar? But more importantly, was he meditating when Hamas raped/killed Israeli women and paraded their nude bodies? Has he been so ideologically brainwashed to not even realize that India today is surrounded by radical Islamists who will have no compunction about brutalizing our women soldiers; or has he also entered the make-believe world of the “non-biological”?

Now the Army Chief joins the Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in religious rituals (as above). Are you reminded of “best man” or ‘bridesmaid’? some the comments from very senior veterans include: pathetic; these two gentlemen (RM & Chief), the way they are tinkering with the traditions of the armed forces, as if it is their personal property; bech diya (sold out).

On becoming prime minister, Modi tried to introduce lateral inductions in some ministries, to shake up the bureaucracy, which holds the polity and the government to ransom. But he quickly gave up – following the credo if you can’t fight them, join them. Has the military hierarchy, unable to stand up to the polity, decided to bend to their whims and fancies? Since the Army Chief refers to old and new eras, why has the old motto Karma is Dharma (Deeds is Religion) turned on its head – Dharma is Karma (Religion is Deeds)? Shame is not in the lexicon of politicians and lying comes naturally to them – the coverup of PLA intrusions in eastern Ladakh are only one example, the latest being Rajnath Singh preaching that our youth must study in India, while his son does MBA from Leeds. So, it is for the military hierarchy to decide whether they want to put Self Before Service and promote themselves. Witnessing the diminishing inner conscience between right and wrong, the choice is left to individuals, given that politicians love maximum pliability:  

Populist leaders around the world do their best to undermine the military’s independence and professionalism and transform it into a politicized force, Writing in Foreign Affairs, Ronald D Krebs cites Modi’s example following that script, to undermine his military, so that they too, owe their loyalty to him and not the Constitution (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/trump-vs-military).

Much more challenging times are ahead for India (https://raksha-anirveda.com/the-year-of-reforms-2025-could-be-more-challenging/). The Army Chief says “I have personally requested the Nepal Army Chief to revive the recruitment of the ethnic Gorkha community in the Indian Army. I am very hopeful that it will resume sooner or later”. This is a political statement – a vain hope with permanent recruitment blocked in the India Army, Nepalese officers are being trained in Pakistan and suggestion for Pakistan to recruit Nepalese soldiers (https://defence.pk/threads/opportunity-for-pakistan-in-nepal.781196/). Concurrently, veteran Gen DP Vats says looking at the geopolitical conditions, not a single Agniveer will leave the Army – so why was this political scheme thrust down upon the Indian Army, drastically reducing the recruit training of soldiers?

Finally, all this would be making not only China, but also Pakistan and Bangladesh extremely happy. They really don’t need to recruit more sources in the Indian Administration beyond those already doing their bidding.

The author is an Indian Army veteran. Views expressed are personal.

About the author

Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch (Ret'd)

Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch (Ret'd)

The author is a former Lieutenant General of the Indian Army, former Director General of Information Systems and a Special Forces Veteran.


  • Issues that weaken the system from within . Everyone knows it but noone tags it. After this wonderful article, looking forward to reading implementable solutions to nip this browny points culture and building a career based on pure leadership and excellence . Warm regards.

  • Excellent article written by a Veteran General. His all points on are dot on target. Congratulations Sir for your forth rightness.

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